Have you ever tried to make your own almond milk. If you don’t have, it is not to late. It is very easy and don’t take much time. Most of the time used i waiting time. Here is how I do it

1 cup almonds
How to do
In a large bowl add the almonds and put water on top of the almonds
Put the box in the fridge for a minimum of 8 hours, mine was in the fridge for 24 hours.
Put the almonds i a blender and add water. You need 2 cups water per. 1 cup almonds. Blend the almonds and water for 5 minuts. Then you take at kitchen strainer, a bowl and a fine meshed cloth and sift the pure through the cloth. when all the milk i drained through the cloth, take the cloth an twist it firmly, there is a lot of milk you can squeeze out with your hands.
And then you have your freshly homemade almond milk.
Store it in the fridge for 2-3 days.
Bon appetite
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